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Curriculum enhancement

Our learning is enhanced by using visits and visitors whenever possible and relevant. We aim for each class to have one of these enhanced opportunities each half term.  Each year there is at least one opportunity for the children to enjoy some form of theatre experience.  KS2 children have opportunity to participate in residential visits and take part in Forest Schools once a week over half a term.  Some aspects of the curriculum are delivered through focus weeks and days.  The timetable is suspended and activities are focused on a key theme e.g. Charities Week in Year 5 and 6, Anti-bullying week, My Money Week, Eco Week and Fair Trade Fortnight.

There are opportunities for children to take responsibility within their class and whole school.  Children can be School Councillors, Eco Warriors, Prayer Group, Fair Trade and ICT committee members. Some pupils are on the Pupil Listening Team.

The school offers a variety of clubs for children to participate in during and after school.  These include Football, Gymnastics, Judo, Netball, Art Club, Change for Life, Multisport, School’s Out and Performance Skills, Bible Club, Teamstar, Recorders and Book Club.

Art & Design

    Art and Design Curriculum Statement - Kirby Hill Primary School (.doc)


    English Curriculum Statement - Kirby Hill Primary School (.doc)


    Geography Statement - Kirby Hill Primary School (.doc)


    Maths Curriculum Statement - Kirby Hill Primary School (.doc)
    Maths Progression at Kirby Hill Primary School (.pdf)

Modern Foreign Languages

    Modern Foreign Languages Statement - Kirby Hill Primary School (.doc)


    Music Statement - Kirby Hill Primary School (.doc)


    Information coming soon

Personal, social and health education (PSHE)

    PSHE Curriculum Statement - Kirby Hill Primary School (.doc)

Religious Education

    Religious Education Statement - Kirby Hill Primary School (.doc)


    Science Curriculum Statement - Kirby Hill Primary School (.doc)